So I’ll admit it… sometimes I talk too much. Not that I don’t listen or pay attention, but I find words stumbling out of my mouth. Advice and laughs flowing freely. Because of this I find myself in trouble when I actually shut up.
Crazy I know. However, God has been telling me to shut up. Shut up about the moves He is making in my life. Shut up even when I know I’m right. Shut up when someone I love is going through. He told me to shut up and watch. And of course pray.
I’m a salesperson, so I basically spend my life talking. Selling people on utilizing my services. Selling people on my business. I used to auctioneer a charity auction, and baby I sold!
So shutting up does not come easy. Walking away when you want to have it all on the table takes a strength some people don’t understand. However, sometimes shutting up is necessary..
Salt can enhance something, but too much can ruin it. Salt has a lot of purposes. Here are the ones I want to deal with today:
Promotes Hydration
“Everyone will pass through the fire and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt.
Mark 9:49 TPT
One of the biggest complaints in Christiandom is that we feel used. Mostly over used and abused.
Like we are given to anyone. We are taken for our talents and gifts, and most importantly the anointing God has placed in us.
Salt is one of the most universally used items in the world. It plays a part in all aspects of our life and health. Key thing: salt is used.
A lot of times it’s overused. Even abused. It’s so common and in some cases plentiful. It’s the seasoning you keep in your kitchen. It’s the bag you keep in your garage. It’s placed on tables and in hospitals (saline is a salt mixture most commonly used in your IV), everywhere. Salt is needed, wanted and desired. However the main trick is knowing how much to use in a given situation.
A lot of times when God is calling us to step back or shut up, we pour it on. Trying to preserve something that God is only trying to enhance or hydrate. I love to cook and most chefs sweat their vegetables. It’s a process of cooking your onions, peppers and the like with a little oil and salt. The salt promotes hydration and causes the moisture to come out of the veggies, aka ‘sweat’. This allows for the veggies to become tender and more flavorful, and receptive to new items. It helps create harmony in a dish. Sweating your mirepoix is considered the foundation of many great dishes. This may be one of my gumbo secrets 😂
God is sweating some of you now, or even worse someone you know. You see, when we’re being sweated we can’t control the level of salt that is being used. However, when we see our loved ones being sweated we run in with the salt…trying to enhance them while God has other plans, like preserving.
Preservation, especially of meat, takes a lot of salt. It’s caked on so the meat doesn’t spoil as it goes through the aging process. Fish can be encased in salt so it’s good days or weeks later. Preservation is a process.
Some of us have been preserved. Some of us have been hidden away, and now God is rinsing off the residue of preservation and placing us on the fire. Baby the fire is hot! We are being seared. We have been saturated with salt. It’s in our fibers. It courses through every layer. We have been built with salt.
What happens when salt hits the fire? Salt will naturally keep you from being burned, but too much salt can smother the flame and put out the fire. Some of us are so fearful of being burnt that we are smothering the flame God has placed inside of us and sometimes the flames of others.
Never restrain or put out the fire of the Holy Spirit. I Thess. 5:19 tpt
Put the salt down. Ease up your hand. Too much salt is smothering the fire of the Holy Spirit. Stop. Breathe. Pray. Ask God, How much salt is needed in this situation? Allow me not to overshadow Your Spirit. Keep me from Restraining the Holy Ghost.
Let go of the fear of being burnt. God has preserved you for a reason and a season. It’s time to fully surrender to God and trust He will allow you to be used for His Good..
Breathe. Pray. Stay Salty, my friends.