The Transformation of Becoming Your True You





make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of.

It is my belief that we go through seasons of change and shift in our lives. It is my prayer and hope that through these musings you will be able to maneuver through those seasons of life. Join the Kaleidoscope and lets show our true colors.

Welcome to The Kalled…

 the online home of Kaleidoscopes Blog, and a community of Believers
of the Transformative power of Jesus and the Word of God.
Join us for blogs, online bible studies,
and activities to stimulate your life transformation.

I am Jennifer Parham founder of Kaleidoscopes…

It is my belief that we go through seasons of change and shift in our lives. It is my prayer and hope that through these musings you will be able to maneuver through those seasons of life. Join The Kalled and lets show our true colors.

Too Much Salt?

So I’ll admit it… sometimes I talk too much. Not that I don’t listen or pay attention, but I find words stumbling out of my mouth. Advice and laughs flowing freely. Because of this I find myself in trouble when I actually shut up. 

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Spend A Little Time I spend way too much time beating myself up… About everything I don’t accomplish. The things I don’t “make’ the time

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Scar tissue 2: I thought I healed…

Most of the time when we think of scars, we think of the visible marks that can be seen. Scars that remain from a cut or sore or some type of injury. We forget about the inner scarring, unless it begins to present itself through pain or another issue we can’t quite explain. Scar tissue can develop during the healing process. It can happen anytime trauma has occurred.

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Scar Tissue Pt. One: The Abused Yes

A part of me looked down upon myself, and not for any particular reason. This also birthed a part of me that even lacked adequate confidence within myself. I had lost so much, and was accustomed to losing. I try not to dwell on it too much because at a period in my life, what I had lost was all that I could see. It surrounded me and filled my heart with the ache of it. First my parents, then my innocence and self worth. That cycle of loss caused me to give away pieces of myself. Pieces that had not even been fully developed and I did not realize the true value of.

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The Butterfly Effect: Freedom in Flight

I know that we are talking about butterflies, but I need you to know that there is freedom in flying. God designed you to fly. You must recognize your identity. Going through transformation can be a bit of a shock to your system. 2 Corinthians 5;17 states, ‘17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (KJV)

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The Cocoon: The Prison of Transformation

You can feel it. Something is in the air. There is an uncomfortableness. At this time, you may not even feel comfortable in your own skin. There is a bit of restlessness. When transformation comes, there is a choice to be made.

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