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Spend A Little Time

I spend way too much time beating myself up… About everything I don’t accomplish. The things I don’t “make’ the time for. Feeling like I am not enough and too much all at the same time..

Today I walked into my office upset with myself. I started to text a friend, but I began to pray instead. Not a deep prayer but an earnest prayer.

“Lord, I want to spend more time with you. I find myself just a little tired. Help me to make it all work how it needs to work.”

I sat for a while and just listened. I heard the Lord say, “It doesn’t have to be big. Start small. One moment at a time.” 

While I was contemplating those words. I came across a little bottle of salt on my desk. I had made this bottle as a reminder that in all the things I do to remember I am the salt of the earth..

Salt is not only a preserver but a flavor enhancer. 

Salt is good and useful; but if salt has lost its saltiness (purpose), how will you make it salty? Have salt within yourselves continually, and be at peace with one another.”

Mark 9:50 AMP

As a carrier of salt, it has to exist within. Just as the ocean is made up of salt water. The salt is in the water. It exists in the water, and can be extracted when needed. 

I know you might be wondering what this has to do with starting small. 

Well upon this revelation, I’ve decided to make sure I always Spend A Little Time. 

Instead of beating myself up for not having hours upon hours to spend with God. Just like salt, His Spirit exists within me. So multiple times a day, I will Spend A Little Time with Him. I will make sure I spend moments with Him. Reveling in His Grace and Mercy, praying for those around me and breathing in His Spirit. 

I wanted to start, or I started a blog a year or so ago and stopped due to time. So I’m starting anew. With the sole expectation to Spend A Little Time with God and share with you what He releases me to share. 

Hopefully it will help you become salty and maintain some salt within. So stay tuned for more moments, and salty revelations. 

Remember, no matter how overwhelmed you may feel, God is present. Even if it’s only a few moments. Spend A Little Time with Him and give him your undivided attention.

Little will become much in the Master’s hand. 

Stay Salty my friends.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Alexandria Ward

    This was so good! A timely reminder that “a little” is better than not at all!

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